Get involved in your local Green Party
There has never been a better time to get involved with the work of the Green Party. Any help you give us, from a regular donation to work on the doorstep will make a real difference to getting more Greens elected so we can create a fairer, sustainable and more equitable world for everyone.

Your local Green Party keeps on growing!
With many new supporters joining every month and local voters choosing a record number of Green councillors, the Green Party is the fastest-growing political movement in Suffolk.
Now, with County Council elections coming up in 2025, we would like even more volunteers to help with our campaigning. Whether it’s offering your fundraising skills, knocking on doors, writing a local newsletter, delivering leaflets, helping set up local events or just bringing your ideas to a meeting, you can play an important and enjoyable part in creating much-needed change for our whole community.
If you would like to offer help, please get in touch with a local Green councillor (go to the WHO WE ARE section) or contact Julian:
The Green Party has no shadowy millionaire backers, corporate sponsors seeking to influence policy, or money from trade union political levies. Our income comes from membership fees, fundraising events and individual donations from supporters.
If you would consider supporting the party by becoming a member or making a donation, please go to the JOIN or DONATE tabs on the Home page.
If you would like to donate specifically to our local branch please contact our local Treasurer at