Promoting offshore wind power

We promote offshore wind, but let’s get it right

On 31st March 2022, the government approved Scottish Power’s wind farm proposals, including connection to the grid at a new substation in Friston. There’s general agreement that these wind farms are needed to help the UK transition to net zero. There’s strong well-argued opposition to the proposed siting of the onshore infrastructure on multiple planning grounds.

The government is consulting on a change of policy for offshore wind connections which could reduce the need for associated infrastructure by 50% and deliver £6bn savings to consumers (known as the Offshore Transmission Network Review or OTNR). This could result in a solution such as an Offshore Modular Grid that would radically reduce the need for onshore development. Opponents, including Suffolk Coastal Greens, argued for a ‘split decision’ that would have approved the offshore plans, but deferred the decision on onshore until the OTNR resulted in policy change.

The split decision was rejected by the government, which accepted Scottish Power’s argument that its ‘radial’ onshore transmission proposal should be evaluated under current policy – without waiting for the outcome of the OTNR.

Suffolk Coastal Green Party will continue to oppose the siting of the substation at Friston.

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